A smooth transition
Transition between kindergarten and school
At Box Hill North Primary Kindergarten, we have a unique opportunity to offer a strong start to the transition process from kindergarten to primary school. Our children and families quickly become acquainted with the primary school learning environment – all as part of our K-6 experience.
A further addition to our transition program is the time our 4-year-old kindergarten children spend visiting the prep students in their classrooms throughout the year. This encourages a familiarity with the school facilities and assists in making the transition into prep seamless, positive and exciting.
We enjoy reading together, engaging in play-based experiences, visiting facilities such as the art room, performing arts space and gym. This truly allows the kinder children to feel a part of the whole school community.
Our transition program:
We offer an extensive transition program for all children each Friday in November to assist with familiarity, confidence and a genuine sense of excitement for starting school. During this program, children have the opportunity to meet their Prep teachers, visit the specialist programs and connect with the grade 5/6 leaders. During this time, our Parent and Friends Association host informal park and play-dates with families to further strengthen the building of positive relationships – a journey we all share together.
Our buddy system is a highlight for our kindergarten children as they look to their year grade 4 primary buddy for guidance and get a glimpse of life at school. It supports the children’s confidence in being a part of the wider school community. The children engage in fun experiences with their buddies, read books together, play games outside, share lunch or even collect -eggs from our amazing school chickens.
Our buddy program supports the core values of Box Hill North Primary and Kindergarten, offering opportunities for older students to mentor our kindergarten children and ensure the kindergarteners are key members of our kindergarten/primary community.
Become a Part of Our Community!
We are a tight-knit learning community with a dedicated team of teachers, wonderful parents and beautiful children. Take our Online Video Tour to start learning more about us or Book a Kinder Tour and so you can come and meet us personally!
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