Curriculum Opportunities
We pride ourselves on a wide range of curriculum opportunities for our students
It’s not the curriculum that we offer that sets us apart, it’s the manner in which it’s delivered
Providing every opportunity for every child is important to us at Box Hill North. Our curriculum and learning programs are designed to challenge and support each child through academic performance, in partnership with a holistic approach, which also caters to social and emotional development.
Student Wellbeing
Our ‘house’ system is structured similar to Hogwarts. All families and staff belong to a house that is led by a house master, with an overarching focus on pastoral care.
Our strong focus on literacy provides each student with a stimulating and enjoyable language experience.
Our numeracy program engages students in rich, open, visual and creative tasks, encouraging them to use their intuition and thinking.
Physical Education
Students at Box Hill North actively participate in our physical education program, in order to enhance their own and others’ health and wellbeing.
Visual Arts
Students at Box Hill North engage weekly in visual arts classes. This is designed to encourage students to express themselves in a variety of mediums.
Performing Arts
Students at Box Hill North engage weekly in performing arts classes. The program is designed to build confidence in our children
It is imperative that students are provided with the opportunity to engage in skills and capabilities that they need both now, and for their future.
EAL (English as an Additional Language)
Box Hill North is an approved international provider of education for international students, supported by a strong and inclusive multicultural community.
Gifted & Talented
At Box Hill North, we offer students who excel in Prep through to Year 6, the opportunity to participate in the Born to Soar Program, a program designed to challenge and stretch the gifted mind.
Languages (Japanese)
Konnichiwa! All students at Box Hill North study the language of Japan.
Sustainable approaches to living are embedded into our daily practice and can be seen by the way we manage waste, care for our chickens and harvest from our edible playground.

Online Tour
The best way to start learning about us. We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

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